Naches River Diversion Screening – City of Yakima Municipal Water Intake. Yakima, WA
Keith Wolf and his staff assisted the design and engineering team with biological criteria and provided the City of Yakima with all funding and grant source preparation, permitting and integration for this project. Keith worked with representative from the Yakima basin, state of WA, federal and tribal programs to address long standing infrastructure problems for […]
Fish Ladder Design and Engineering – United States Fish and Wildlife Service South Bend, Washington
The Lewis and Porter Point Units of the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge on Willapa Bay represented one of the best opportunities to reestablish lost fish passage into two watersheds with existing high-quality habitat. By reintroducing anadromous fishes to the watershed, the chance for long-term protection was enhanced, while valuable spawning and rearing habitat was recovered. […]
Blackbird Cobalt Mine – Salmon Idaho
Asisted in the development and implemetation of a NRDA Closure plan, remediation, and significant civil engineering design, construction and operation for tailings and waste capture. Conducted multiyear assessment of environmental impacts and development of mitigation proceedings and a 25-year monitoring plan for fish, wildlife and water quality recovery.
Battle Mountain Gold – Okanogan County, WA
Provided expert testimony, reviewed permitting documents and assessments done by state and federal agencies for due diligence and expert testimony (confidential).
Western Copper Corporation – Whitehorse, British Columbia
The Casino project was a copper-gold-molybdenum porphyry deposit located 300 km northwest of Whitehorse. Western Copper Corporation (WCC) has the mineral rights to the Casino property. WCC proposed development of a gold heap leach and conventional flotation milling open pit mining operation with a 30-year life. The proposed development is subject to the Yukon Environmental […]
Sinclair Inlet – Puget Sound, WA
Keith Wolf participated in CERCLA (i.e., Superfund-ordered) remediation planning and assessments for wood pile and pole company operations. Duties included hazardous sediment sampling, under US EPA HAZWOPPER (MTCA, CERCLA legislation and guidelines). Lab preparation of biological and physical environmental samples was also included as specific scope items.
Hunter’s Point Naval Base – San Francisco
Keith participated in development of thke EIS, NRDA and cleanup plan and assessment of this former naval operations base in San Francisco Bay. Duties included hazardous 5 sediment sampling, under US EPA HAZWOPPER (MTCA, CERCLA legislation and guidelines). Radiological certification and lab preparation of biological and physical environmental samples comprised specific scope items.
These studies supported the Record-of-Decision process for the federal Duwamish River Waterway Cleanup Plan. Sinclair Inlet – Puget Sound
Keith participated in CERCLA (i.e., Superfund-ordered) remediation planning and assessments for wood pile and pole company operations. Duties included hazardous sediment sampling, under US EPA HAZWOPPER (MTCA, CERCLA legislation and guidelines). Lab preparation of biological and physical environmental samples was also included as specific scope items.
Superfund/Hazardous Materials Duwamish River, Cascade Pole – Puget Sound
Keith Wolf participated in CERCLA (i.e., Superfund-ordered) remediation for wood pile and pole company operations. Duties included hazardous sediment sampling, under US EPA HAZWOPPER (MTCA, CERCLA legislation and guidelines). Lab preparation of biological and physical environmental samples was also included as specific scope items.
British Petroleum Oil Company Ferndale Refinery Washington.
Keith supported long-term biological studies of effects of dredging at the BP Oil Company Ferndale Refinery marine facilities. His work utilized keystone species of the commercially harvested Dungeness crabs (C. magister) to assess the impact and rate of recovery from dredge operations. Keith used standard trawls, scuba diving, and systematic habitat assessments to quantify the […]