KWA Ecological Sciences, Inc, and KWA Documentary Films, LLC were founded by Dr. Keith Wolf. We have both the capabilities and knowledge to explore environmental issues, and the passion to tell the stories and visually present the science to the world.

Documentary films

Under Puget Sound

Rediscovered 25 Years Later

“UNDER PUGET SOUND” the 1997 documentary has been remastered and rereleased in 2022. 

A new perspective is examined. New segments allow us to view Puget Sound in a changed environment and through the lens of Climate Change

Documentary films


A Climate Crisis Series

This documentary examines specific and relevant stories from around the Globe. Science, Policy and the Effects of Climate Change on communities, people and the impacts on Earth are told.


KWA Ecological Sciences, Inc.

KWA Ecological Sciences, Inc. offers comprehensive capabilities and deep science and industry knowledge to help you solve the most complex environmental issues of your organization. 

Consulting Projects

See examples of integrated projects and programs directed at environmental and natural resource management, energy, transportation, restoration, policy and planning support, ESG, Climate, Sustainability and regulatory compliance.

About Keith

Dr. Keith Wolf has worked for state, federal, and tribal government agencies and private industry for over three decades. He holds positions at the US Dept. of Commerce/NOAA Fisheries and serves on its West Coast Climate Team. He has associations around the World that brings team and experts together to tackle our most pressing environmental challenges.

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