
State Route-520 Bridge – Fish Passage Barrier Removal, Design and Replacement.

Keith’s and his staff prepared NEPA permit modifications and final design for fish-passable culverts, wetland mitigation, and stream relocation/enhancements. This work included improving fish passage at the SR 520 crossing of Fairweather Creek, Cozy Cove Creek, and Yarrow Creek and its tributaries by replacing existing barriers to fish with eight fish-passage structures. ​ In addition to culvert replacements, nearly 3,000 feet of stream 4 channel was restored. Restoration included daylighting some stream sections and reconstructing the streambed and banks, increasing sinuosity, improving connectivity to the floodplain and wetland, and placing stream gravel and large wood debris. Other major components of the project were hydraulic and hydrologic modeling, designing and implementing temporary stream diversions and bypass systems and developing a phasing plan for completing reconstruction within the in-water work windows, and protecting sensitive areas.

Interstate-90 – Snoqualmie East and Keechelus Dam Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement.

Keith’s and his staff led the NEPA, Cultural Resources, Landscape Architecture and Fish and Wildlife assessments for the I-90 Corridor Improvement Program. Scope of Work included: NEPA and SEPA processes and securing all regulatory permits, including Section 4(f) identifying that the project will have no more than a de minimis impact on the project area; section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) in coordination with the State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) and the State Historic Places Office (SHPO) and the Clean Water and the Endangered Species Acts. WA.

WA. State Route-520 – Bear Creek. Redmond, WA

As part of the Clean Water Act Section 404, National Historic Preservation Act and Section 106 permitting for cultural resources on this urban site, Keith and his staff provided stream restoration design and permitting to create a more naturally functioning system along Bear Creek in Redmond, Washington. Design elements featured fish passage channel restoration, streambank stabilization, wetland mitigation, and floodplain storage volume for FEMA “zero rise” requirements and cultural resources preservation. ​ During the initial assessment phase, artifacts were found dating to the end of the Ice Age up to 12,000 years ago. This discovery guided draft amendments and ultimately, final design, permitting, and construction activities. It also required innovative design and engineering solutions to mitigate impacts to cultural resources and to successfully permit and construct the project.