Positions included: Ocean and Freshwater Fish Program Manager, Columbia River Policy Coordinator, Western Washington Habitat Management Biologist, Puget Sound Harvest Coordinator, and Mid-Columbia Predator Index Study Biologist.
As a regional Fish Program Manager, was responsible for over 80 employees through five subordinate supervisors and seven-figure annual budgets. This position included overseeing development of management state and federal legislation, mitigation programs, strategic plans, program evaluation and implementation processes. Other duties included extensive fiscal and agency-impact bill analysis, government-to-government negotiations, working directly with state and federal congressional members and staff, forging multi-agency agreements through co-management task forces and work groups.
Duties also included technical and policy representation on the Pacific Fisheries Management Council and North-of-Cape-Falcon annual regulatory processes, the Pacific Salmon Commission and the Northwest Power & Conservation Council, among other agencies. Was deeply involved with many case laws, treaties, Executive Orders, state, provincial, tribal and federal environmental laws including US v. WA (i.e., Boldt I and II), US v. Oregon, ESA, MBTA, MMPA, the Rafeedie, Martinez and Redden/Smith federal courts, the Northwest Power Act, US/Canada Treaty, and many other substantial ruling conventions that compel natural resource management.