Grant, Chelan and Douglas County PUD’s. Wenatchee, WA. Beginning in 1996, and continuing through 2014, Keith led the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and later, the Colville Tribes’ participation through initial scoping, and subsequent adoption and implementation for the ESA 10 (a)(1)(B) rule Conservation Plan(s).
This project supported federal relicensing efforts for five mainstem Columbia River, and tributary hydroelectric projects (in-lieu) through 2052 and beyond.
The Habitat Conservation Plans were the first and largest salmon and steelhead conservation agreements stuck in the United States. Keith worked cooperatively with various state and federal fisheries agencies, including NOAA Fisheries, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and three Native American tribes, stakeholders and American Rivers to develop, implement and monitor compliance and effectiveness benchmarks.
The main objective in the relicensing and conservation efforts commit to attain a no net impact standard on mid-Columbia salmon and steelhead runs and other target species. This is accomplished through a combination of fish bypass systems, passage path improvements, seasonal spill, off-site hatchery programs and evaluations, and in-lieu habitat restoration work conducted in mid-Columbia tributary systems.