Dr. Keith Wolf led an expert peer-review team supported by the American Fisheries Society and the Affiliated Tribes of the Northwest Indians to examine methods, specific data collections and the statistical derived results and conclusions of a federal science team in support of the Federal Columbia River Power System Biological Opinion. Expert testimony was prepared by this team for the Columbia River Intertribal Fish Commission in support of Judge Redden in U.S. v. nine plaintiffs. Adjudication processes for the FCRPS NOAA Biological “No Jeopardy” Determination. Case No. 223435 – 0098. Outcomes for this, and other studies, resulted in development and implementation of the Federal Action Agencies’ 2008-2018 FCRPS Adaptive Management Implementation Plan. This plan is incorporated into all Northwest Power and Conservation Council’s subsequent (e.g., Sixth and Seventh) Regional Power Plans.